By Suzanne Persard Published in Huffington Post on 10/25/2013 Most publications incorrectly report the number of assassination attempts Malalai Joya has received — the number is seven, not six; and these are only the number of plots that have been counted. In 2007, Joya, the youngest elected member to the Afghan parliament, was expelled fromRead More…

Originally published on on Oct 10, 2013 By Sonali Kolhatkar Contrary to her small stature, Afghan activist Malalai Joya is a towering figure among ordinary Afghans. At the tender age of 25, she openly challenged her country’s notorious U.S.-backed criminal warlords at the 2003 Constitutional Loya Jirga (popular assembly) in Kabul. She thundered, “ItRead More…

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan has just released a statement on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the US war in their nation:

Independence, the first condition for the prosperity of our homeland and people

With the aggression of the US and NATO occupiers on October 7, 2001 in our homeland, it has been twelve years now that our country is facing war, destruction, and the killing of thousands of its innocent civilians. The US used the terrorist attacks of 9/11 as a pretext to change the regime in Afghanistan and pave the way for its long-term military presence in the region. For the first time in their history, Afghanistan’s people, who were tired and fed up from the crimes of the Jehadi pigs and the brutalities of the Taliban, did not react to an occupier force.